
[Bug] Deleted 'related link' still counts when determining limit

I think I may have just found a bug. At my current level (14) it seems I can add a max. of 3 related links to my own snap. So I added 3, got the "Link contribution limit for this snap reached at your current level (3/3)" message, then deleted one of the links but I still had the limit message and couldn't add a new link.

Edit 1 : this is the snap in question http://snapzu.com/NomadiChris/no-mans-sky-early-reviews-are-in/

Edit 2: as drunkenninja explained, this is an intended anti-spam feature, not a bug; leaving it up in case others may run into this

8 years ago by NomadiChris with 2 comments

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  • drunkenninja (edited 8 years ago)

    We appreciate you looking into this, however, yes, this is intended as to not allow for link exchange exploitation. (anti-spam)

    edit: feel free to leave this up so that others wondering may have this questions answered

    • NomadiChris

      Ah, that makes sense, thanks. Sure, will leave this up.