  • snakespm

    I can sorta see this, but not all NSFW sections are created equal. A good example is reddits ImGoingToHellForThis it is crass and might not be something you want to read it work, however plenty of people still do read it at work, because most of the humor is text based or violence. Having a picture of someone showing her vagina (I'm assuming vulva but I'm at work so I can't confirm) is a completely different thing.

    • exikon

      Maybe just show nsfw from the same tribe if the tribe in general is marked as nsfw? So, /t/realgirls just shows suggested snaps from /t/realgirls whereas /t/pics does not show any nsfw snaps from there since it's generally not marked nsfw. I dont even know if you can tag your tribe as nsfw or not to be honest. Seems like a good feature to have though.