  • folkrav (edited 8 years ago)

    That's interesting.

    1. What does your job consists of (average day)?
    2. Craziest story in your career?
    3. Is the pay good? No need for absolute numbers!

    • Skry

      1. That really depends on which shift I'm working. If it's 7-3 or 3-11, I make sure the inmates are fed and get any of their prescription medications to them, let them go outside if they ask and haven't been rowdy, and generally make sure they don't kill each other. 11-7 I do my rounds of cells checks once and hour to make sure nobody has committed suicide, attacked their cell mate, or die in their sleep. We're a pretty small office though so I also clean the office on night shift and dispatch when a deputy is on duty.

      2. I generally don't have too much crazy happen when I'm on, the inmates tend to respect me so that helps. And I've been told we're on of the nicest counties to be locked up in the area by the inmates and they don't like to mess that up, so that helps too. But to answer your question I think the craziest thing so far was opening the holding cell door to let in an inmate and the inmate saying "I'm not going there." Turns out she thought her cellmate was dead. She'd wrapped a cord around her throat and her face had turned blue, luckily she was still breathing and we got her out of cell and transported to the hospital. Dispatching the craziest would have to be getting a call from 911 (our 911 is in another county they handle our towns local PDs and pretty much everything but our deputies) stating that a female had been shot in the face, but was still alive and then hanging up. No address, nothing else. Luckily I was monitoring the other radio and had heard the PD being dispatched and requesting us so I got our deputy there in time.

      3. It's good for the area I live in, if it was a larger more expensive area I'd have complaints but it's not too bad here. I make more than minimum wage, and would definitely make more if I worked for one of the prisons, but I stay here cause I like being close to the people I care about.