  • dannycdannydo

    So right now you have triple your 'a lot of the time' numbers then. What happened?

    • Skry

      One of our deputies decided to track down all of the felony warrants we have on file and get them brought in, and he's really good at it.

      • dannycdannydo

        I'm picturing him walking in with a line of people in chains behind him, then just slamming his badge on the desk and "Book 'em".

        I'm not American so this is how I expect it must work based on watching Brooklyn 99.

        • Skry

          That would make it so much better than what actually happens! Since most of the ones he's going after know they have warrants and have been avoiding coming here for years he mostly just calls a bunch of departments where he thinks they are until he finds them and then does a happy dance around the office.