Text Post: How do I use booster cables? posted by Boop
  • MePLUR

    This link goes into a little more detail. I picked the Dummies one because it had a picture showing how everything should be hooked up.

    I have some follow up questions. Is there a reason that the black cable for the car with the dead battery is supposed to be attached to an unpainted metal surface? Why can't it go on the negative terminal?

    Answered in my initial post. There may be sparks when connecting the cable. If you connect it to the negative terminal as opposed to an unpainted metal surface, the sparks may ignite a hydrogen explosion from a charging battery (if the battery is giving off hydrogen gas ... unlikely, but it can happen).

    Also, the article makes no mention of the removal of the cables.

    The Halfords article recommends reming the cables in reverse to the way you attached them.

    • Boop

      Oh sorry, I misunderstood your first post. That makes a lot of sense; thanks for helping me out!

      A nice tidbit of info from that article you linked that might be helpful for others coming across this post:

      Once you have your car running, leave the engine on for a couple of minutes to charge the battery.


      Make sure they don't touch together or any metal surfaces.

      • MePLUR

        No worries. Glad I could help. I actually have the Halfords article saved on Evernote :)