  • casuallynoted (edited 9 years ago)

    That is a really good set of points! Playing devil's advocate (since I don't particularly believe either way), it could be said that both Asahina is there to be the 'perfect girl' for him, since she seems to be exactly the kind of girl physically that he wants, and that he could have 'created' Nagato as a way to have someone to guide him through everything as soon as it started getting confusing for him. At that same degree, Koizumi acts as a foil to his real love interest, that being Haruhi. But I know exactly what you're saying, it's a bit of a stretch. I believe the one thing that gives this fuel so much fire is how in the light novels, A childhood friend that he likes ends up having developed the same powers as Haruhi, despite having no association with Haruhi, and ends up finding him.

    • get9

      That's very interesting. I just started reading the LNs, so I hope to be enlightened.

      When I read the LN for Welcome to the NHK, after watching the anime, I gained a completely different perspective and some more detail. I'm guessing this is what I'm going to find reading the Haruhi Suzumiya LNs.

      • casuallynoted

        Absolutely! I've only read the next three or so LN's in the series, for the longest time I thought that the only fuel to the "Kyon is God" fire was that Haruhi picked him despite his normalcy, which could easily be explained by any variant of 'she likes him'. But the LN's totally made me rethink that a ton, so now I'm pretty 50/50 on it. Either way, there's a bit of coincidence on both ends of the spectrum based on my knowledge right now.