  • CodeSoldier

    The N64 was the first console I was gifted, when I was quite young. Skyrim was the game that switched me over to PC and haven't looked back since. Still gaming, still on PC.

    • Splitfish

      I do most of my gaming in 3D on PC (3d vision) and the odd sports game (NHL MLB) I'll play on the PS4. I also sometimes play the PS4 exclusives that I can't get on PC. The only difference is that I started PC gaming back in the Quake 2 days. That railgun.

      • CodeSoldier

        Yeah I'm a fairly new-comer. 3D sounds awesome!

        • Splitfish

          It is, but it requires a lot of modding and patience nowadays. It's mostly in the communities hands to "fix" games so they work flawlessly in 3D, but that sometimes takes a long time, sometimes even 6+ months after release date. Many games also don't get a fix if there is not enough interest (popular games always get fixed). Some games are 3D ready "out of the box" but that's rare these days.