  • brendintosh

    Annualized games will slowly disappear in exchange for a universal platform: We're seeing this now with Call of Duty taking a hiatus after Black Ops III, GTA had a short spree of annualized games with GTA III, Vice City, and San Andreas; and now I think Assassins Creed is the next to slow down the releases. Companies are realizing that too much of one thing gets stale. Call of Duty has fantastic gunplay, but seeing the same franchise every year fatigues the customer. After awhile, annualized games are going to go away for platform-approaches. Instead of buying FIFA every year, you can buy the FIFA platform, then buy smaller updates throughout the year that include new rosters, fields, and entire game patches. it would be similar to what World of Warcraft has with its Vanilla game, and expansions that add new features.