
[You Should Buy] ARK: Survival Evolved

If you've played multiplayer survival games like Rust, DayZ, or 7 Ways to Die, you are familiar with what ARK: Survival Evolved is getting at- survival at any costs. In these online multiplayer games the player has one objective, and one alone: survive as long as you can, however you can. Everything will be against you, from the weather to hunger to other players. So why should you give ARK a try if Rust and DayZ have done the survival game thing before?

You could say it's the dinosaurs. I mean, who wouldn't like to play in an island full of T-rexes and velociraptors? That's a nice change from just having to worry about human enemies, but there's more.

It doesn't simply dump 60 players on a map, hand them a stick and then watch as everything goes like Lord of the Flies. It's a game you can play on it's own without other people- it has a single player mode you can choose if you're not into the whole multiplayer gig. It provides you with a living, breathing world that changes and adapts around you, with dinosaurs running in herds, hunting each other, establishing movement patterns, etc. The world is far more than just some rocks and grass.   However, that's not all. You can survive here, yes. You can dominate territory, yes. You can even hunt dinosaurs. But the real value of this game comes when you begin to flourish and start your own civilization. Those dinosaurs can be tamed and made into pets to protect your home... or gather raw material and go out to attack other players. Other players can be interacted with, whether it's outright killing them to imprisoning them. Tribes can be started to make a community in game, which can lead to massive tribal wars. In short, this game offers a dizzying amount of features, and they set it apart from other survival games.

Another bonus is that the developers are obsessed with their work. If you like getting new stuff and updates, you're in for a treat! The devs of this game are constantly adding new dinosaurs, fixing bugs, and updating with new features and items all for free.

In short, get this game now before the price goes up! You won't regret it! Here is the Steam link:


9 years ago by Urbanknight4 with 3 comments

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  • Urgz

    Looks interesting, thanks for sharing!