  • Fuyu

    Not a problem! I would recommend Heroes of the Storm if you're looking for one to get into. Instead of items, at interval levels (I think it's every 4th level) you choose a different power-up for your Hero. It can change your abilities to make one more powerful or do additional things or gives you additional spells to use (usually something like a shield or dash). Plus, you can select your 4th spell (your most powerful one) from two different options for your hero. The matches are also generally quicker because you're constantly doing quests/objectives as a team (League has a "lane phase" where people are mostly on their own and are just killing small monsters for gold or dueling their lane opponent to get stronger before they start grouping up as a team to take objectives), and it has multiple maps so gameplay is varied even more.

    From my experience, DOTA2 has the highest learning curve, but also the most features and all champions are free (biggest problem with free to play games, unless you want to pay a lot of money, it's going to take some time to unlock all the characters). Strife is very beginner friendly and has a much lower complexity, but that's also it's biggest fault as it gets old after a while, and thus has a low user base (I'm not even certain if it is going to be around in a few years because of this, but I haven't looked at it in about a year so things may have changed). Smite is also a good one if you want a MOBA experience with a more action-y feel since instead of a top-down view it uses a 3rd person over the shoulder perspective and is pretty newbie friendly because you can automate all skill leveling and item purchases at first; it's doing pretty well for itself alongside League and DOTA plus if you like it, you can buy all current and future characters for about 30USD.