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  • Expression
    8 years ago
    by spaceghoti
    +14 +1

    Our jokes are better than your theology.

    Many (if not most) Christians find it insulting and inflammatory when a skeptic uses the term “magic” in reference to the supernatural claims in their theology. I find this to be incredibly irresponsible bellyaching on their part.

  • Analysis
    8 years ago
    by spaceghoti
    +20 +1

    A new criticism of science as an exclusive "way of knowing"

    By now I’m well familiar with arguments that science, like religion, is based on faith. That argument is often made by religionists to try to drag down science’s epistemology to the level of religion’s, and it’s bogus. It’s bogus because, as I’ve argued before, “faith” in science really means “confidence based on experience”—which is not at all the same thing as religion’s “faith” as “belief without evidence.”

  • Analysis
    8 years ago
    by spaceghoti
    +17 +1

    A Great Myth about Atheism: Hitler/Stalin/Pol Pot = Atheism = Atrocity - REDUX

    Yes, here it is again, the ubiquitous claim that atheism = Stalin/Pol Pot = moral atrocities. This is a complex one, so hang around. It is commonly claimed by Christians, and I had a debate about this on the Unbelievable forum on facebook recently with many who did, that secular atheism was responsible for the atrocities of the twentieth century perpetrated by the likes of Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot (Mao Zedong is often thrown in for good measure).

  • Expression
    8 years ago
    by spaceghoti
    +16 +1

    Another Atheist: The problem with witches

    There are many reasons I don't believe in the god of Abraham, and one of these reasons is the killing of "witches". This fact, this product of religion, is completely at odds with the alleged traits of this god. In short, if there is an omniscient being (who knows all) and who truly cares for humanity, then the hideous deaths of those accused of witchcraft refutes that entity. Let me elaborate.

  • Expression
    8 years ago
    by spaceghoti
    +18 +1

    Leaving My Religion Was Nothing Like Entering It

    Call it a sociological or psychological look at the difference between Christianity and atheism. Whatever you call it, the point is that becoming an atheist was for me a process fundamentally different from becoming a Christian.

  • Video/Audio
    8 years ago
    by spaceghoti
    +18 +1

    Letting Go Of God - Julia Sweeney

    Letting Go of God is a humorous monologue by Julia Sweeney chronicling her search for God. She begins in the Catholic church, the religion her family raised her in, and takes a Bible study class. What she learns there leads her to new questions, and in search for answers she explores meditation, Buddhism and New Age gurus, then describes what she learned from the sciences and from sharpening her critical thinking skills. She discovers that to accept the truth leads to surprising revelations....

  • Image
    8 years ago
    by spaceghoti
    +26 +1

    Always Check Their Credentials

    Russell's Teapot is a quirky comic strip by Chaz Braman based on a quote by Bertrand Russell about believing in God being just as ridiculous as believing that a teapot is revolving around the sun. Unfortunately, Chaz let his website lapse and many of his comics were lost. An incomplete archive is available below.

  • Video/Audio
    8 years ago
    by spaceghoti
    +23 +1

    Mr. Deity and the Sting

    Mr. Deity commissions a former pastor to infiltrate big Atheism.

  • Video/Audio
    8 years ago
    by spaceghoti
    +15 +1

    Atheist Debates - Appeals to Personal Experience

    Part of the Atheist Debates Patreon project: You're more likely to hear about people's personal experience with religion in a testimonial form than any of the standard arguments for the existence of God. In this live presentation from Gateway To Reason, I talk about the problem with appealing to personal experience and how to think about those appeals when you're talking to believers. And, there's a bonus magic trick.

  • Expression
    8 years ago
    by spaceghoti
    +29 +1

    Should We Pity the Victims of the Prosperity Gospel?

    Like other preachers of the prosperity gospel, these shiny-suited hypocrites proclaim that God wants to make you rich, and that by “planting a seed”, or in other words giving money to the televangelist, you’ll reap a manyfold return. Obviously, the only people who get rich from this theology are the ones who preach it, and Oliver doesn’t stint when it comes to describing the multimillion-dollar mansions, private jets, and other ludicrous wealth they accumulate from the gullible.

  • Expression
    8 years ago
    by spaceghoti
    +15 +1

    Getting Atheists to Talk About Death

    My talks about death are also among my least requested. In the five years that I’ve been a public speaker, I’ve been asked to speak about sex, about anger, about coming out as an atheist, more times than I can count. I’ve been asked to speak about death maybe half a dozen times. It seems that once the conversation gets started, atheists love to talk about death — but it’s really hard to get that conversation started.

  • Review
    8 years ago
    by spaceghoti
    +18 +1

    Templeton hosts a biology-and-faith conference where the outcome is—surprise!—predetermined

    The telling but unsurprising thing about this conference is that it’s posed as addressing a contentious and unresolved question—whether there’s conflict between religion and biology—but then choosing (as far as I can tell) only speakers who said “No–NO CONFLICT!” In other words, the conference was an expensive exercise in confirmation bias.

  • Expression
    8 years ago
    by spaceghoti
    +6 +1

    Emperor Has No Clothes Award: Jerry Coyne – 2011

    There is another palpable difference between science and religion. What do you do when you make an assertion about the world that you know turns out to be false? In science it goes into the dustbin of discarded results like cold fusion or any number of falsified theories. When a religious claim is falsified like creation or Adam and Eve, it simply turns into a metaphor. “We didn’t really mean it, folks. It wasn’t meant that way. It means something else completely.”

  • Expression
    8 years ago
    by spaceghoti
    +18 +1

    Why Atheists Are as Moral as Any Religious Group

    Fazzino is an instructor and Ph.D. candidate at the University of Nevada, and a former Evangelical Christian. Her research explores social movements and identity, religious conversion and deconversion, and in particular how people leaving their religion arrive at a new worldview and community. In this interview she discusses challenges faced by secular groups and individuals in a city that is enamored with both sin and salvation.

  • Expression
    8 years ago
    by spaceghoti
    +19 +1

    Inter-Testamental Moral Relativism

    Theists hate moral relativism. They often accuse atheists and secularists of having it. For them, only the pseudo-moral absolutism of Divine Command Theory, where God’s commands decree morality, seems to work in defining some sort of objective morality. The problem is, though, that they aren’t very consistent. Because, it turns out, they actually adhere to something which I like to call (via Justin Schieber) Inter-Testamental Moral Relativism.

  • Expression
    8 years ago
    by spaceghoti
    +23 +1

    Hatred is weaponizing Jesus: How violent evangelicals, faith-based con artists & serial abusers are using religion for the purpose of evil

    I’ve decided that, at least in the United States, the religiously devout really do have the interests of rationalist nonbelievers at heart, at least as far as providing us with (a sick, unseemly sort of) entertainment goes. They strive ceaselessly and tirelessly, without remiss, on holidays, weekends, and during the work week, to provide us with new episodes of the tragicomic—though mostly tragic—reality-show farce that is religion, and at their own expense.

  • Video/Audio
    8 years ago
    by spaceghoti
    +15 +1

    Why I Think Jesus Didn't Exist: A Historian Explains the Evidence That Changed His Mind

    Dr. Richard Carrier flew in from California to lecture the UNCG Atheists, Agnostics, and Skeptics on the historicity of Christ. The historicity of Christ has appeared in the public consciousness over the last few years because of such individuals such as Robert Price and Dr. Carrier. This topic deals with the analysis of historical data to determine if Jesus existed as an actual person.

  • Expression
    8 years ago
    by spaceghoti
    +27 +1

    My School System Really Doesn’t Get What the Establishment Clause Means

    So of course religion had nothing at all to do with the decision made by the Brandon High School band director to spend all summer perfecting their rendition of the much beloved Christian hymn “How Great Thou Art” to perform at halftime shows this fall. And when the RCSD school board finally announced this past weekend that the band would not only not be playing that hymn for fear of incurring a fine, but would furthermore be choosing not to perform at all in protest...

  • Expression
    8 years ago
    by spaceghoti
    +19 +1

    So this C.S. Lewis guy was supposed to be a smart fellow?

    Then how could he write down such illogical inanity as this? Let's break it in two, shall we? Start with his premise.

  • Expression
    8 years ago
    by spaceghoti
    +17 +1

    Religious implications of finding life on other planets

    The confirmed existence of extraterrestrial life, even if we could never make physical contact with it, would have profound implications for our way of thinking, perhaps making us realize the pettiness of our own divisions. But assimilating that fact would not cause any real difficulties for those not bound by religious dogma.