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+38 +1
Why Processed Foods May Promote Gut Inflammation
Certain food additives may interfere with your gut bacteria, causing changes that boost inflammation in the intestines.
+4 +1
Here’s how gut microbes train your immune system to dodge disease
Gut dwellers signal immune cells to stay calm and dial down inflammation.
+26 +1
Why is the world getting more wheat sensitive?
Need to avoid gluten? Or wondering why so many people say wheat is bad? Nutritionist Naomi Devlin looks at why people around the world seem to be increasingly sensitive to wheat, and who does - and doesn't - need to avoid gluten.
+25 +1
Mechanisms of Immune Tolerance Relevant to Food Allergy
The intestine has an unenviable task: to identify and respond to a constant barrage of environmental stimuli that can be both dangerous and beneficial. The proper execution of this task is central to the homeostasis of the host, and as a result the gastrointestinal ...
+6 +1
Children in Australia up to three times more likely to suffer from nut allergies than children in Asia: study
Peanuts and other nuts are among the most prevalent and dangerous causes of allergies in Australia, leading to the highest lifetime risk of anaphylaxis. Now, researchers believe there's something in the Asian environment that helps protect children from the condition, with Australian children up to three times more likely to suffer from nut allergies. The reason could be that Asian children were exposed to different diets, bacteria and UV.
+29 +1
Explainer: what is the gut microbiota and how does it affect mind and body?
The human gastrointestinal tract harbours trillions of microorganisms, with up to 1,000 or so different bacterial species.
+10 +1
Boost C-section babies by giving them vaginal bacteria
C-section babies swabbed with vaginal fluid have the gut bugs of babies born conventionally, which may reduce asthma and obesity and affect their future health
+32 +1
Gluten- and casein-free diet makes a meal of autism science
In some cases, clinicians recommend special diets; in others, they're instigated by parents eager to find anything that may help their child.
+31 +1
Food allergies linked to overactive immune system at birth
New research has found children who are born with overly active immune cells are more likely to develop allergies to milk, eggs, peanuts, wheat and other common foods.
+21 +1
Food Intolerance Network
All about food additives
+29 +1
Catalyst: Gluten: A Gut Feeling - ABC TV Science
Gluten is the new dietary enemy. Millions of people around the world are giving up gluten in pursuit of better health. The believers say it can cure a wide range of diseases like arthritis, depression, even autism. But is this unprecedented uptake of the diet justified? Many doctors say that if you don't have coeliac disease, you don't need to avoid gluten. Emerging evidence is now challenging this belief. In this special investigation, Dr Maryanne Demasi cuts through the hype of the gluten-free
+34 +1
Universal diets don’t work because ‘healthy’ foods differ by individual, study finds
It’s no secret that lots of us struggle with food. In many parts of the world, large segments of the population are developing health problems such as diabetes and obesity at alarming levels, suggesting that current dietary policies are ineffective...
+11 +1
Why do people decide to go gluten- or wheat-free?
CSIRO conducted a nationwide survey to quantify the number of Australians avoiding wheat and to ask them why.
+28 +1
$635 poop pills cure deadly gastrointestinal infection
Doses of the 30-capsule fecal transplant method cured up to 94% of patients.
+26 +1
Hookworm larvae to be injected into coeliacs in trial
Hookworm larvae will be injected into coeliacs as part of a revolutionary treatment for the debilitating illness that affects one out of every 70 Australians.
+30 +1
Why food allergy fakers need to stop
From gluten to garlic, diets and dislikes are being passed off as medical conditions. Chefs and real sufferers have had enough. By Neil Swidey.
+21 +1
Your gut bacteria can reveal which diet will actually work for you
Scientists have developed a mathematical formula that can help identify which diets will best help people lose weight and reduce their risk of disease, based on the unique composition of their intestinal bacteria.
+17 +1
One man's poop is another's medicine
OpenBiome turns poop from extremely healthy people into a life-saving treatment for C. difficile. Highly select donors are paid $40 for each stool they donate.
+19 +1
Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity May Not Exist
In 2011, Peter Gibson, a professor of gastroenterology at Monash University and director of the GI Unit at The Alfred Hospital in Melbourne, Australia, published a study that found gluten, a protein found in grains like wheat, rye, and barley, to cause gastrointestinal distress in patients without celiac disease, an autoimmune disorder unequivocally triggered by gluten.
+26 +1
So You Think You Have IBS, Coeliac Disease Or Crohn’s? Here’s What It Might Mean For You
Conditions affecting the gastrointestinal tract are common in modern humans and many are on the rise. The gastrointestinal tract extends from the mouth to the anus, via the stomach and the bowels, which include the small intestine and the large intestine (colon).