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+16 +1
‘I thought I was going to die’: why patients are no longer pooh-poohing faecal transplants
Bonnie Wortmeyer is one of thousands finding freedom from Clostridium difficile bacteria through faecal microbiota transplantation
+4 +1
Scientists Warn 'Inactive' Ingredients in Drugs Are Not as Harmless as You'd Think
The vast majority of oral medications contain ingredients that could cause adverse reactions in patients, new research suggests.
+8 +1
A correspondent asked me to look into the GAPS diet. I did. I was sorry: it was a painful experience. What a mishmash of half-truths, pseudoscience, imagination, and untested claims!GAPS stands
+32 +1
MSU scientists discover early cause of intestinal inflammation
Michigan State University scientists have identified an early cause of intestinal inflammation, one of the first stages of inflammatory bowel disease and irritable bowel syndrome, which afflict around 11 percent of the world's population.
+20 +1
Faecal transplant researchers identify 'super-pooper' donors
Study finds stool transplants from some donors are far more effective than others
+23 +1
Gut Microbes Could Soon Diagnose and Explain The Cause of IBS and IBD
Researchers studied poop samples from 1,800 people and might finally have some answers as how to diagnose IBS and IBD and explain what causes them.
+12 +1
Not all 'gluten-free' products are what they claim
A small number of products labelled gluten-free on the supermarket shelf may not be what they claim to be, a new study reveals.
+26 +1
Why peanut reactions have become 'almost epidemic' — and what to do about food allergies
Allergies to peanuts and other types of food continues to climb, but experts say there is some progress in controlling or preventing life-threatening reactions.
+22 +1
Research shows that knowingly taking placebos can be highly beneficial
On Amazon, you can shell out about $15 to buy pills made of cellulose, titanium dioxide, gelatin, and dye. None of these ingredients have any medical effect, but customers report taking these pills for pain relief, to reduce excessive sweating, and even to quit smoking. It’s not surprising, really. Medical quackery has a long and proud history, and so long as there’s gullible people, there will be somebody selling snake oil. But here’s the rub: Right on the bottle, in big, blue letters is the word “placebo.” The only claim the manufacturer makes about these pills is that they are guaranteed not to contain any kind of medicine.
+8 +1
Do You Know What Could Be Causing Your IBS?
Contrary to what you might have been told, IBS is not just all in your head! Here you will learn about the main reasons why people end up with IBS.
+15 +1
Not just a fad: the surprising, gut-wrenching truth about gluten
While just 1% of the UK is allergic to the proteins that cause coeliac disease, many others suffer with gluten-related digestive problems. Some researchers believe mass-produced food is to blame
+27 +1
A carb called fructan may be the real culprit behind gluten sensitivity
Some people could be blaming the wrong element in wheat for their sore stomachs.
+15 +1
The Gut Digest
A new site jam packed with all manner of interesting tidbits on the human GI tract.
+16 +1
Proof that a gut-wrenching complaint -- irritable bowel syndrome -- is not in your head
Irritable bowel syndrome makes life miserable for those affected, an estimated ten percent or more of the population. What further irritates many sufferers is that they often are labeled as hypochondriacs, since physical causes have never been identified -- until now. Biologists in Germany have discovered mini-inflammations in the mucosa of the gut, which upset the sensitive balance of the bowel and are accompanied by sensitization of the enteric nervous system.
+31 +1
If you don't have coeliac disease, avoiding gluten isn't healthy
Avoiding gluten may actually be doing more harm than good.
+11 +1
First image of an irritable bowel
Just a few years ago many in the medical profession thought that the common intestinal malady irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) was psychological – with its origins in the head, not the gut. But Norwegian medical researchers have shown that the intestines of IBS patients do react to food in a special way.
+2 +1
Is irritable bowel syndrome a low-grade inflammatory bowel disease?
Previous gastroenteritis has been identified as the most important risk factor for IBS, and several studies reported that a substantial proportion of patients with gastrointestinal infection develops IBS symptoms,which can persist for several years.
+33 +1
First Ever Test for IBS | Cedars-Sinai
Finally iron clad proof that IBS is not a psychological problem.
+1 +1
Quest Diagnostics : How IBSDetex™ Works – Testing for IBS
Information about the innovative IBSdetex test offered through Quest Diagnostics to help in diagnosing IBS. Learn more.
+11 +1
Poo transplants beyond the yuck factor: what works, what doesn't and what we still don't know
There's growing evidence poo transplants can work for some conditions, including a type of diarrhoea. But they're not for everyone.