+2 +1
Jolene, Horror Version
Elli Jelly
+35 +1
Why is pop culture obsessed with battles between good and evil?
Pop culture today is obsessed with the battle between good and evil. Traditional folktales never were. What changed? By Catherine Nichols.
+6 +1
Hunting the Skinwalker
Skinwalker is the blanket explanation used by the Ute tribe of northeastern Utah to explain a myriad of frightening, seemingly paranormal events that have occurred in the Uintah Basin for hundreds, if not thousands of years. By Jeremy Corbell.
+18 +1
Miner’s Silver Ghost
Merle Haggard
+23 +1
How a Mythical Imp that Snuck Up People’s Large Intestines Became a Symbol of Japan
The kappa may be adorable, but it has very few boundaries. By Abigail Walthausen.
+2 +1
10 Real-World Entrances To Mythical Locations
World mythology is full of fantastic kingdoms and realms that exist alongside our own. Many of them are said to have entrances in the real world, meaning that it’s possible to at least stand on the doorstep of some pretty amazing places. Now, if only we knew the passwords to open those doors… By Debra Kelly.
+22 +1
Every story I have ever told has a kind of breach to it, I think. You could say that my writing isn’t quite right. That all the beginnings have endings in them. By Lidia Yuknavitch.
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