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The Best Septic Safe Laundry Detergents (Liquid, Powder, Pods, & More)
Finding the best septic safe laundry detergents doesn't have to be hard. Check out this list of the best options on the market today that fit every need.
+15 +1
“Psychological Flexibility” May Be Key To Good Relationships Between Couples And Within Families
What makes for a happy family? The answer — whether you’re talking about a couple or a family with kids — is psychological “flexibility”, according to a new paper in the Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science. Based on a meta-analysis of 174 separate studies, Jennifer S. Daks and Ronald Rogge at the University of Rochester conclude that flexibility helps — and inflexibility hinders — our most important relationships.
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40 Fantastic Stay at Home Date Ideas (Updated for 2020)
Looking for free or cheap date night ideas? Here is a collection of 40 stay-at-home date ideas that are fun and affordable. Try #17!
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What theme park should you spend your money on?
Theme parks are fun. They’re great for couples, families, friends, the occasional person who wants to be alone. But they are not all created equal. Obviously, there’s a fair bit of money that gets shelled out every time a trip like this is made. There are a lot of parks out there, each with their …
+4 +1
My Wife’s Enemies Are Now My Enemies, Too
Until about five years ago, I got along with basically everyone. Sometimes, I knew, people didn’t care for me, but my impeccable get-along instincts and crushing fear of confrontation prevented things from coming to a head very often. And if I didn’t like someone, I’d try to never let them know, because even if the sight of them made my stomach curdle, I still wanted them to like me. I’d attempt to wear them down with relentless kindness until one of us moved to another city or died. But all that changed when I met my wife, who taught me the fine art of having enemies.
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Picking the Right Wardrobe for Family Photos
Getting family portraits taken can be fun, and stressful all at the same time. There are many details to put together before the session like date, location, time, and what everyone will wear. Many people find themselves looking for help on that last one. Deciding what to wear for family photos can be stressful or it can be fun depending on what type of person you are. With the right tips, choosing what will be worn in your photos can be fun for anyone. Follow the tips below to help you decide what your family will wear in your photos.
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101 Fun Family Activity Ideas
Having quality time together is important for any family. What you do isn't as important as simply having time and being together, but, of course, every family has different types of activities that they enjoy. I put this list together for those times when you're struggling for ideas. There are more than 100 activity ideas listed here, and they're organized in several categories. Browse through the list with your family and pick out some that would be fun for you.
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Comprehensive Guide to Essential Oils
Everything you need to know about essential oils, including what they are, how to use them, how they are made, what to look for when buying, and much more.
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10 Compelling Reasons to Have a Family Game Night
One of the reasons GameroomVault.com exists is to help promote time together for families. Regardless of whether you are playing a board game, darts, or ping pong, games can be a great family activity. Unfortunately, life often gets in the way and time with family winds up being cut short. In this article we'll take a look at 10 reasons why you should make quality time together for fun and games.
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Beginner's Guide to Ping Pong » Gameroom Vault
Ping pong (or table tennis) is a favorite option in many gamerooms. It's a fun and exciting game that can be played by 2 or 4 people, and you can even practice by yourself if you want to. All you need to play is a ping pong table, a net, a few paddles, and a ball.
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Top 10 Games for Your Home (or Office) Gameroom » Gameroom Vault
The gameroom is a key part of many homes. If you want to spend more quality time with your family, have more entertaining parties, and always have something fun to do, dedicating part of your home as a gameroom is an excellent decision. So now that you have a gameroom or have at least decided …
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Is Together Forever? What or Who Is Forever?
together forever Is together forever? Are friends, for always? Is marriage, till the end? Is love, to the moon and back? No. No to all those questions. Together is not forever, friends are not for always, marriage is not till the end, love is not to the moon and back. Marriage can be broken, friends will leave you,
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Thankful That I Am Growing In The Lord
Growing In The Lord I am so thankful that I am growing, that I am listening to God more, that I am not letting fear stop me as much. Let me tell you what I mean. Growing In The Lord A month ago, someone I know told me something that really set me back in my grieving process for my father. I truly think
+16 +1
America’s Lack of Child Care Is a Big Economic Problem
Something people tend to ignore about the high price of child care in the United States is that it’s not just a burden on individual families; it’s really a weight on our entire economy. The drag is obvious if you look at how female employment has stalled in the U.S. compared with the rest of the globe since the early 1990s. Back then, shoulder pads were in, Murphy Brown and Designing Women were on the air, and the share of American women in the workforce was reasonably high by global standards.
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Thankful God Is In Control
I am so thankful that our God is so in control that He is NEVER afraid just because I am!
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Mom’s Lessons
Cancer is nasty. It is an insidious, life-sucking, mentally challenging and exhausting disease that tests a family in ways they never dreamed possible. It tires you, and angers you, frightens you a…
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You Don’t Have to Lie To Me….
First off let me say, I totally support a bit of mystery between the sexes. What’s more fun then that? Husbands and wives, brothers and sisters, even just friends, are allowed to have their s…
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Appreciating the Talks With Family and Friends
Appreciating the Talks This morning, I texted my mother to check in with her. A few days ago, she had shared one of those posts to Facebook you post and urge everyone to copy and paste if cancer (or something else, depending on the post) has touched your life. I don’t usually pay those posts any mind,
+20 +1
Thankful For You My Friends, My Readers, My Followers
https://dai.ly/x6xkj2i Thankful for you my friends I am thankful for the small apartment that keeps my daughter, my son, and I warm on these cold winter days. For the food, for my daughters job, for her willingness to work so hard at it. Grateful for her coworkers watching out for her, for Connections Academy
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End of Christmas Day With Precious Family and Friends
Christmas was good this year, almost had me in tears. All my adult kids together celebrating! I am so grateful God put my in laws in our life. This would not have happened on Christmas Day if it was not for them. I look at each of my kids, I wonder how did this happen. Each one such a wonderful young adult. I
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