  • blahblahgabor

    People still use facebook? :]

    • Saffire (edited 9 years ago)

      There are people that don't use Facebook? :D I literally have only met one, and he did have one at one point, but he deleted it 2 years ago.

      • blahblahgabor

        Yes. Now you know two. I had it when it was limited to University faculty, staff and students but then it became a behemoth. With a small family and friends that I interface with an actual face or texting, I would prefer to not have my beauty shared with the masses on the interwebs.

        • Saffire

          I wouldn't consider having met you, this being the Internet and all, but I get what you mean! Good job on resisting the Blue Machine :D

          Your beauty is shared on the interwebs Facebook or not, however. You're sharing it right now, whenever you post on this site (This is basically Facebook for strangers... There are even status updates here). If you're online you're online, and Facebook won't change that, IMO.

        • blahblahgabor
          @Saffire -

          EDIT: Now you know one person and you know of another.