Favorite Mother game?
I decided to start off this community with a question, what is your favorite Mother game?
9 years ago by Quietrabbit
I decided to start off this community with a question, what is your favorite Mother game?
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Earthbound will always be my favorite, although Mother 1 is a close second for me. The music combined with the subtly dark story with a setting similar to Earthbound's, I feel that Mother 1 is probably the most underrated of the three.
My favorite is a toss up of either Mother 3 or Earthbound I like Mother 3 because of how emotional and powerful the story was, but I love Earthbound for the silliness of the story
Mother 2 was the first one I played and the one that I fell in love with. Definitely my favorite.
Mine would be Mother 3 since it was the first Mother game that I had the incentive to finish . My first game was Mother 2, but I slowly played it less for my other games and other consoles. When I picked up Mother 3 from the beginning I was hooked. The storyline was deep, emotional, and dark. It also had the typical gameplay of an RPG with a little bit of tiny things that gave it originality.