  • Nanotwerp

    Would you ever be interested in it? Lucid dreaming would have to be the most amazing thing ever given proper control. It can be fun for some, and therapy for others. If you want to, you can do it today/tonight! This guide would probably be very helpful if you are interested. Also, you're so lucky to ever have a lucid dream. The closest I've been to a lucid dream was this 'semi-lucid' state in which I stated in my dream "I'm dreaming!", but I didn't know I was, if that makes sense.

    • sugartoad

      Yeah I get you! Getting in the moment where you're an active participant in your own dream is super rare, most of the time you're an observer while the whole thing lasts a few minutes at most (even though it feels like a lot longer). Sometimes I have a hard time just remembering what I dreamed, so when I do have a dream with even a tad of control its an excellent experience.

      If you want to, you can do it today/tonight! This guide would probably be very helpful if you are interested.

      Did this guide help you at all? You mentioned you had a hard time trying to get yourself into the state of lucid dreaming. For me those lucid states came at random and rarely throughout my life, so I cannot claim that I had anything to do with triggering a lucid dream. But when I checked out the link it felt spammy.

      • Nanotwerp

        Now that I look at it again, it does seem a bit spammy. Sorry about that. The method the site uses wouldn't help me at all. Basically, in my dreams, my logic conforms to my dreams. This method basically trains you to give yourself reality checks with the hopes that you'll eventually do it in your dreams. You know how you sometimes 'noclip' in your dreams; like your finger going through your hand? It doesn't work for me, because I think everything in my dreams is logical. My best bet would probably be some type of wake-induced lucid dreaming (WILD) or mnemonically-induced lucid dreaming (MILD), which is basically just forcing yourself to dream before you sleep with pure willpower. I'm actually going to try MILD tonight, as it seems to require the least effort. If it works, I'll definitely tell everyone!