
Do you follow the esports scene of Dota 2?

And if you do, what is your favourite team?

9 years ago by bogdan with 15 comments

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  • uncrtv

    I used to follow it very closely, but ever since the summer started I have been busy with other things. I'll definitely watch TI5 though!

    I have been a Na`Vi fanboy ever since I first watched Dota around TI2. Everyone says they play like crazy aggressive Russians but I think a lot of it is calculated. They have mastered the art of going balls-to-the-wall aggressive. Other than that I like Secret (because Puppey) and a few other Chinese teams.

    • bogdan

      Nice. That makes two of us. They play very aggressive in team fights, but before Artstyle they had this annoying style where in the mid to late game they were just farming their territory and waiting to get ganked, even when they were in front.

      Now it's gotten better. Have some hopes for them.

      • uncrtv

        Yeah I have noticed that too, they would play really well in the early game then suddenly turn on farm mode to try and get core items. I think they were scared to feed away their lead because of the new comeback mechanic.

        I really hope they succeed, they are fun to watch and have very likeable personalities. It's going to be hard though, competition is very tough this year.

  • nightships

    Yes, very much. I even write about it sometimes for news sites. When I had more free time I used to follow a lot of the lower tier teams, but since I've been busier this year and the scene has grown so exponentially, I've found myself just watching the big tournaments more and more - DAC, The Summit, ESL, MLG, etc.

    My favorite team would be EG. I'm a fan mostly of ppd - I love his drafting style, I think it's because of him that EG doesn't really follow any 'meta' but retains their own unique style of play all year round. I also love his hero pool (super similar to the heroes I like to play), how much impact he has on such low-farm heroes, his interviews/vlogs/draft analysis/stream, and of course the :salty: persona. Honestly I liked their old S A D B O Y S iteration better - I thought they were much stronger with Zai and Arteezy. But I still really like Fear, Universe, and now aui_2000. Sumail is a little meh for me, but hopefully he starts playing more consistently.

  • brahle

    Yeah, I was just recently on the ESL One tournament. I took some photos, you can check them out here.

    My favourite team is Na`vi, and favourite player is XBOCT.

  • Calhob (edited 9 years ago)

    Yes, I follow most of the European tournaments and some of the international like The Summit, DAC, and of course The International.

    About favorite teams... I was a fan of Fnatic for a long time and when they split last year it was the end of an era for me. So now I just follow players and if a team has players that I like then I cheer for them.

    • bogdan (edited 9 years ago)

      end of an era

      Pun intended?

      I'm a die hard Na`vi fan (I know what you're gonna say, fanboy etc) mostly because they're by far the most exciting team to watch for me. Even when they win they have to give heart attacks.

      • Calhob

        Of course it was a pun!

        It's fine to be a fanboy of those guys. Watching them playing against Alliance was something else for a long time and I'm a fan of most of them. This year has been weird without a strong Na'Vi but it looks a bit better recently. I believe that most Dota fans would love to see them reaching the finals once again this year. Oh, the amount of dank memes coming from that.

        • uncrtv

          Na`Vi vs Secret grand finals would be the dankest of them all.

  • ressmox

    Yea I follow most of EU and Chinese scenes, although recently I haven't been watching as frequently. Favourite team is C9 since EE was my year and dropped out of the faculty I was in, so kind of have to be biased. But I also think Fata is a god at mid. Second Fave team is probably Empire because they never fail to surprise me, and yoky is one of the best offlaners in the world.

    • bogdan

      I've actually talked to EE at Dreamhack Bucharest in spring last year. He's an okay guy, and definitely have nothing against him, but I feel like sometimes he makes wrong calls and it hurts the team. Specifically in teamfights, he either comes in too late or too early. I like Empire too, crazy Russian bastards.

      Oh, we also met SingSing, they were on the same team back then. My girlfriend asked him to draw a penis and he got shy and just gave us his autograph and left.

    • Darklight

      I think C9 is a team that has good mechanics and i consider them 3rd in the west but they suck in the leadership aspect. EE gets to flustered and you need a calm head to make decision late game. If they can solve they shot calling , they have a good shot in TI5

  • Havok

    Oh most definitely. In fact, when I started playing dota 2 the learning curve meant I lost interest after a while. The competitive scene dragged me back, however, and now I've started playing a lot as well.

    Would love to get a casting gig at some point, but my schedule is a bit too hectic to pursue this full-time at the moment.

    As for my team, I've been Na'Vi since the beginning, and through all the lean years recently. I don't even stay because of the name, I stay because of Dendi. Not much of a Secret fan (filthy backstabbers), but to each his own I guess :P

    • bogdan (edited 9 years ago)

      I feel the same about Secret.

      Say what you will but I feel like Puppey has always been into this more for the personal gain than for the love for the game (not saying it's wrong, just saying it makes me not want to support him).

      - There was this JoinDota Talkshow a while back where he spoke about it, saying that he feels like organizations are not providing enough money to the teams.

      - He also rejected the 2GD invitational offers for the GD Studio invitationals a few years back, saying the prize pool is not worthy of attention.

      - He didn't bother coming to Dreamhack Bucharest in spring 2014, even though Na'vi had accepted the invitation, and Na`vi came with just Dendi, Xboct and Funn1k.

      I bet Puppey pushed really hard to get Kuroky into Na'vi, where he clearly didn't fit in. Kuroky feels like his little pet, always following him. They had been together even from before the days of Dota 2 (in Nirvana.Int I think) - At the third international, in the final against Alliance, Na`vi lost a very important Rosh fight in one of the games. In an interview after that, Dendi said he didn't want to go in the rosh pit, but Kuroky kept shouting "Go go go" and they lost the fight (not saying it proves anything, but it's a sign of how a person with a different mindset can influence a team the wrong way).

      Maybe I am wrong, but I've been following this closely and I have my own opinion that I'm pretty sure is the correct one.

      • Darklight (edited 9 years ago)

        Well ive been playing since 6.61 (~2010) and i was a navi fan and now i support secret. You can't just blame kuro on that rosh decision. Several times they had the opportunity to just finish rosh but dendi came out to try to force a fight (watch bulldogs analysis of that game). And as for that guy saying secret backstabbed, i mean if u have problems within your team you will obviously leave and try to make a better team.

        Ps: funn1k also didnt attend dreamhack '14