Conversation 8 comments by 6 users
  • massani

    YES! I kind of been wanting to do some Let's Play videos on Youtube but I'm dreading hearing my voice. I'll have to end up relying on my fetching looks if I want to do those ;D

    • Boudicca

      This could open up a new field of employment-voice doubles. Actually I think this may have happened during the transition from silent movies to "talkies" where some very popular silent movie stars had difficulty with the quality of their voices and they were dubbed over.

    • SurrealBeliefs

      I can entirely empathize with this and I've been running a Youtube channel for over three years now. I run out the room if any of my friends or family play my videos in front of me.

      • MAureliusLP

        Oh man hearing my voice in my videos makes me cringe. Funny to hear about you Surreal. When I watch your vids I'm always envious of your voice.

    • MrY

      haha, I'm sure you'll do great. Gluck on those vids!

      • massani

        I appreciate it. It will be awhile though, I have to get a PC and everything first, ha.

        • MrY

          oh pc's are expensive...I'm more of a laptop fan myself