  • Boudicca

    It's a horror show.

    • MrY

      ohh I'm sure its not that bad

      • Boudicca

        I remember as a kid, my brother and I taped ourselves and I was so horrified and shocked by the sound of my voice- a bit like the opposite of those videos they have of cochlear implant people who always look so happy to hear their own voice for the first time. And no I don't sound like a strangled monster, just the unfamiliarity of the sound I equate with my own voice.

        • MrY

          yea me too, but then I realize how others treat me with my voice and I'm like, even though I may not like it, it doesn't seem to bother others much

          • Boudicca (edited 8 years ago)

            Yes, people not clapping their hands over their ears and screaming NOOOOoooo every time I speak tells me that I may have a version of body dysmorphia that is just voice related lol

        • RedditExodus

          I was in puberty when I first listened to a recording of my voice. I have no idea how I got that far without hearing it but my reaction definitely confirms this. I commented on how bad my voice sounded on the video and all I got was awkward silence...

          I'm fine with my voice now (mostly) but this really recked me.