I might make a tribe in a couple of days for solely WDW stuff, for people to post their vacation pictures or trips plans or news on The World, since that's where my heart resides. But I do enjoy the occasional foray into Disney animations and geek out about their processes and the love and detail the company puts into nearly everything they release.
Welcome! Be sure to let me know if you do! We can cross snap content! :) Please feel free to post and comment. We are new and small, but we are growing quickly and I've some big dreams! lol
Hey, I might as well join in!
I might make a tribe in a couple of days for solely WDW stuff, for people to post their vacation pictures or trips plans or news on The World, since that's where my heart resides. But I do enjoy the occasional foray into Disney animations and geek out about their processes and the love and detail the company puts into nearly everything they release.
Welcome! Be sure to let me know if you do! We can cross snap content! :) Please feel free to post and comment. We are new and small, but we are growing quickly and I've some big dreams! lol
Can do!