Text Post: Allosaurus and T. Rex posted by LisMan
  • jerrycan

    Not sure if this helps:

    "The Allosaurus died out at the end of the Jurassic period during an era of mass extinctions. The Cretaceous era followed the Jurassic era, and large dinosaurs became common again. The Tyrannosaurus rex evolved from earlier, smaller species of theropods and eventually became one of the most powerful predators in history. It was among the last species of dinosaurs to exist before final, mass dinosaur extinction."


    • LisMan

      Thanks! It put me on the right track. After a little digging, I found that both critters were theropods. According to the Wikipedia entry, "The earliest and most primitive unambiguous theropods (or alternatively, "Eutheropoda" – 'True Theropods') are the Coelophysoidea....they may have been ancestral to all other theropods (which would make them a paraphyletic group)." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theropoda