
You are not alone

Ever had an overwhelming need to cry? Ever felt your eyes swell with tears waiting impatiently to cascade down your cheeks? Ever had your mind race with thoughts memories and inexplicable emotions that can't be contained or silenced? Ever looked at your life and asked yourself if you've always been on this path or if it was just a temporary detour that turned out to be permanent? Ever cried when there was seemingly nothing wrong? Ever felt like a stranger in your own life? Ever felt like a flawed version of yourself? Ever felt overwhelmed but just kept on moving, just kept smiling, just kept living in hopes that you'd make it out unscathed? Ever just gave in and threw in the towel? Why is it that these are shared emotions by the masses yet few speak of them? Why do we make ourselves feel even more alone in these moments? Why do we seek solitude when depressed? Why do we wallow and decline invitations and opportunities to pick ourselves up and join society? Emotions are necessary, anger, frustration, irritation, calmness, tranquility, serenity, happiness, pleasantness, contentment, and sadness, despair and depression... every emotion is necessary in life, embrace them when they come but anything when taken to an extreme will do more harm than good in a person's life. Though its tough at times, remember, BALANCE is key. You are not alone.

9 years ago by Rhumanity

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