+1 +1
"It’s hard to get rid of us" with Susan Abulhawa
The Red Nation
+23 +1
Critical Counterinsurgency and Zionism
The very title of Adam Shatz’s most recent, unfortunate piece of writing announces itself clearly as Zionist apologia. By Kerry Sinanan
+25 +1
Chasing Utopia, Startup Style
A group of Silicon Valley’s most powerful figures are building startup societies that they believe will set them free. By Lily Lynch.
+18 +1
Why Robespierre Chose Terror
The American attitude toward the French Revolution has been generally favorable—naturally enough for a nation itself born in revolution.
+17 +1
Holocaust Survivor destroys Israel's façade
+3 +1
Billionaires Are Suing the Honduran Government for Blocking Their Profit-Making Scheme
Honduras Próspera, an organization based in Delaware, is suing the Honduran government for $11 billion. That's about two-thirds of the country's budget, or around a third of its annual GDP. What's happening, and why are American "philanthropists" allowed to bring a governing body to court?
+12 +1
Why France (Still) Controls Africa
France's African empire ended in the 1960s...but not really. Ismael Loutfi explains.
+3 +1
Japan's lonely anti-monarchist voices
As Japan celebrates a new emperor, a dwindling band of republicans renew their demand for change. By Nopporn Wong-Anan.
+8 +1
The making and unmaking of Brazilian democracy
The anti-establishment feeling that yielded President Trump in the United States and Brexit in the United Kingdom has long been Brazil’s default mode. By Alex Cuadros.
+14 +1
In Venezuela, White Supremacy Is a Key Driver of the Coup
The so-called uprising is, in part, a furious backlash against sharing power with mixed-race Venezuelans like Maduro. By Greg Palast. (Feb. 7, 2019)
+16 +1
A searing reflection on the Troubles and their aftermath
“Say Nothing” evokes the worlds of both the victims and their assailants
+20 +1
The British Royals Have Always Been Scum
Despite generations of imperial murder, torture, rape, and plunder, the British ruling class still gets the brown-nose treatment in historical depictions. Not so in The Favourite, where the royals are shown as the disgusting creatures they were and still are. By Eileen Jones.
+16 +1
Thanksgiving: The National Day of Mourning
A Native student on why the holiday is a painful reminder of a whitewashed past. By Allen Salway.
+13 +1
The First Thanksgiving: What Really Happened
Uncivil History
+19 +1
Indigenous Peoples Are Decolonizing Virtual Worlds
In an industry marred by its lack of self-awareness, one project is creating a more inclusive vision of the world. By Cecilia Keating.
+17 +1
Híyoge owísisi tánga itá (Cricket egg stories)
Five-hundred-and-twenty-five years ago, confused Europeans “discovered” the “New World”. Heaps of broken brown bodies marked this great achievement as the Europeans congratulated one another. Brave explorers, selfless men of God, and devout Pilgrims soon began pillaging, raping, and slaughtering their way from sea to sea. They rename our homelands “North America.” Their descendants tell us that those men were seeking their fortunes, trying to save souls, hoping to find simple freedom for themselves. By Katherine Crocker.
+14 +1
Selika, Mystery of the Belle Epoque
Selika Lazevski exists in six photographs and nowhere else. She was a black Amazon in Belle Epoque Paris, a horsewoman without a horse. By Susanna Forrest.
+12 +2
War Without End
The Pentagon’s failed campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan left a generation of soldiers with little to fight for but one another. By C. J. Chivers.
+14 +1
The Forgotten Coup
How America and Britain crushed the government of their 'ally,' Australia. By John Pilger. (Oct. 23, 2014)
+10 +1
Why We Should Think Twice About Colonizing Space
My conclusion is that in a colonized universe the probability of the annihilation of the human race could actually rise rather than fall. By Phil Torres.
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