Text Post: Advice for new chiefs posted by joker
  • Fathomite

    A bit of insight that I gained from my years on reddit... if you notice that a subject you have passion for has not been claimed, do it ASAP. Something that happened on reddit was that some early adopters of the site created a bunch of subs early on, and then used their newfound empire to push their ideology. Regardless of whether it had anything to do with their subs.

    The best example of this was the case of r/xkcd and u/soccer. Randal Munroe, the creator of the xkcd webcomic, is pretty public about his support for feminism. This shows in his comic. U/soccer, on the other hand, is a blatant neonazi. Through reddit request, he managed to gain control of the xkcd sub, and proceeded to censor any posts or users that went against his beliefs. He even had the gall to post links to subs such as theredpill on r/xkcd's sidebar. Thankfully he's been ousted there, but he's still in possession of subs like r/holocaust (which has been a haven for holocaust denialism under his rule.).

    I've seen the damage that this tactic caused to reddit, and I want Snapzu users to be aware of the potential danger of this.

    • redalastor

      A bit of insight that I gained from my years on reddit... if you notice that a subject you have passion for has not been claimed, do it ASAP. Something that happened on reddit was that some early adopters of the site created a bunch of subs early on, and then used their newfound empire to push their ideology. Regardless of whether it had anything to do with their subs.

      It's bigger than this. They took every sub they could think of and appointed level headed moderators to moderate them. Some of them have 600+ subs started. Then when one of those actually catches up, they come back, kick the other mods and wreck it.

      That's something that's not really a problem on snapzu since you are limited in the number of tribes you can be chief of.

      The best example of this was the case of r/xkcd and u/soccer. Randal Munroe, the creator of the xkcd webcomic, is pretty public about his support for feminism. This shows in his comic. U/soccer, on the other hand, is a blatant neonazi. Through reddit request, he managed to gain control of the xkcd sub, and proceeded to censor any posts or users that went against his beliefs. He even had the gall to post links to subs such as theredpill on r/xkcd's sidebar. Thankfully he's been ousted there, but he's still in possession of subs like r/holocaust (which has been a haven for holocaust denialism under his rule.).

      That's the other reddit problem that's not really applicable to snapzu. Pretty much the only way to lose your sub is to have the media talk about it. It doesn't matter how toxic things get. If it's too bad, other subs pop as alternatives. Which is not good for new users. How are they supposed to know they should not go to /r/lgbt but /r/ainbow, not to /r/marijuana but /r/trees, etc.

      That level of toxicity would never fly here.

    • AssMonkey

      Seriously? Damn, I didn't know that. Was this a while ago?