  • ThermalShock

    Only Chiefs and mods can create content.

    Although our main focus should be helping out fellow chiefs in tribe management. I think it would be valuable to get feedback from regular users about what we're doing right, and things we're doing wrong as well.

    Once a non-controversial tribe reaches level 2, their chief/moderators can request moderator status in this tribe (this will help keep this tribe for chiefs and moderators)

    To borrow a phrase. I think we'd end up with to many chiefs and not enough indians. Unless Snapzu completely explodes in activity I doubt many mods would ever be needed. Thankfully we also have the sitewide staff to take care of anything serious with the backing of the membership to report any major problems.

    Stay on-topic. This tribe is about helping chiefs and moderators improve their tribe(s). You can discuss other things, but it has to be in relation to managing tribes/changes to the system that will directly impact (good or bad) our ability to manage our tribes.

    I'd agree with this one. Some focus is required. Otherwise we'd just be another lounge tribe.

    • redalastor

      To borrow a phrase. I think we'd end up with to many chiefs and not enough indians. Unless Snapzu completely explodes in activity I doubt many mods would ever be needed.

      On reddit I mod a 9K sub with 3 other guys. And being reddit, it's a much more problematic place.

      So I don't think that many mods are needed here.

    • joker

      Great points!

      OK. A revised version of the rules:

      Moderator-generated content should have these tags:

      [MODQ] - Mod Questions

      [MOD] - Moderator topic

      [MODA] - Moderator advice

      All others can either use the below tags or no tags:

      [Q] - Question

      [ADVICE] - Advice

      [MERGE] - A request for recommendations on if 2 or more tribes should merge

      Stay on-topic. This tribe is about helping chiefs and moderators improve their tribe(s). You can discuss other things, but it has to be in relation to managing tribes/changes to the system that will directly impact (good or bad) our ability to manage our tribes.