Text Post: [In Need] /t/Indiegaming posted by Nospine
  • takkane

    I would like to claim it, I just click "Claim" and that's all or do I have to do something else?

    • Nospine

      That's all you have to do! After that you're free to modify its banner, tribe icon, rules, description and whatnot.

      Just make sure you try to revive it by posting new content as often as you can. It would also be a good idea for you to make a post over at /t/Newtribes so that the tribe gets a bit of attention.

      • takkane

        Okay, I'll do my best to revive the tribe! Thanks for the advice :D

        • Nospine

          Oh! Before I forget! Make sure to make a text post here stating that you've adopted /t/indiegaming.

          Click on start a discussion and then use this as a title: [Adopted] /t/Indiegaming

        • Nospine

          You're welcome! Good luck! ^_^