
What's your favorite hightivity?

I love to get creative in the kitchen. Tonight I'm going to get stoned and make some pork chops with cocoa and chiles. I was inspired the other night when I was eating buffalo chicken pizza on a plate that I had a chocolate cookie on before. There was still some chocolate left on the plate and it made me start thinking about why we don't mix chocolate and meat very often. Anyway, what about you? What's your favorite thing to do when you are high?

8 years ago by HappyApple with 2 comments

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  • snakepaws (edited 8 years ago)

    Over the years, I've developed a serious anxiety issue. So my favorite activity is, "is this going to be a chill night, or am I about to go on an anxiety-riddled ride for the next hour or so before settling in?" I still have no idea what triggers mellow vs anxiety sessions either.

    Basic stuff, usually. Listening to music that I like; being able to pull apart and appreciate each instrument or sound individually and as a whole. Reflecting, which can go either way depending on how deep I go into my psyche. I enjoy the night air when riding around in a car (passenger). I used to frequent a local trail, which was a nice place on spring/early summer days.

    • HappyApple

      Sorry to hear about the anxiety. Every now and then, particularly at large social events, I'll get anxious/paranoid if I smoke a lot.

      I actually listened to some early Incubus albums last night and I forgot how great their music is. So many layers! I also realized that I really just enjoy the process of designing or building something, so I think I'm gonna buy some Legos.