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+15 +1
Sorry I’m a Mammal - Witchcraft and Body Hair
A Long History of Interconnectedness. By Shaina Joy Machlus.
+11 +1
When Every Bra Size is Wrong
What I’m about to recommend to you isn’t in any way a solution. By Mallory Ortberg.
+11 +1
Gabrielle Deydier: what it’s like to be fat in France
Gabrielle Deydier’s book about being obese has ignited her native France. She tells Stefanie Marsh how her life has been a battle against ‘grossophobia’, discrimination and verbal abuse – until now.
+10 +1
The Trash Heap Has Spoken
The power and danger of women who take up space. By Carmen Maria Machado.
+3 +1
How ‘body positivity’ lost its true and radical meaning
The fatphobic movement co-opted by IG models and fashion labels to reject bodies it should celebrate. By Bethany Rutter.