  • PMmeyourlove

    I came from Reddit. Holy shit...this site looks beautiful.

    • fatsteve5531

      Yep. I was on Reddit for 5+ years and this site sure is pretty. I'm gonna miss a lot of smaller subreddits though...


        Even if Reddit doesn't completely fall apart and there isn't a huge migration to other sites like Snapzu, I fully intend to stick around here. I see a lot of promise in a site like this and in due time I can Snap having their smaller niche communities.

        • Ranmaru

          To be honest, the smaller subreddits are the better ones anyway. Sure, it's fun to browse AskReddit and see what a lot of people are writing, but for any sort of serious discussion I found the smaller forums much nicer and more helpful. The more members a community has, the higher is the amount of trolls and spammers as well.

          So even if Snapzu stays smaller, maybe even significantly smaller than Reddit, it might have a nicer community altogether.

          • AnusBlender

            The only reason I still use Reddit is to visit a few smaller subs. The big ones got really toxic. I think I'll be sticking around Snapzu for a while.

            • Cheski

              They certainly did get toxic. r/DayZ was a great example of that. Regardless of your opinion of where DayZ stands as a game.

            • QuietKerfuffle
              @Cheski -

              Is Dayz still a game? I thought they switched up to malware a while ago. ;-)

            • Cheski
              @QuietKerfuffle -


              It is currently a starving simulator.

      • Niqulaz

        Doing a lot of things right, though. For instance, /t/football is the one dedicated to kicking a ball with your feet, while /t/nfl is the one for American Kevlar-Rugby. Also, if you build it, they will come. Surely.

        • KingAztek

          American Kevlar-Rugby

          Haven't heard that one yet, that was good

        • cheezoncrack

          First nickname for football I actually like. Think ill actually call it that during nexts years season.

      • jimmiefan48

        I think that Snapzu will get there in time. Its a small community right now, but it will grow.

        • JonSnow

          To me, it's the most promising out of all reddit alternatives. Maybe slicer comes close, but it's way smaller than snapzu.

          • skeeva

            Hopefully snapzu grows its been this small for awhile now.

            • JonSnow

              It will definitely grow. Many people are leaving reddit and, let's face it, voat isn't great. The only reason they aren't on snapzu is because they haven't heard of it yet. And they will, soon.

            • skeeva
              @JonSnow -

              I sure hope so! May everyone have your enthusiasm :)

            • Pixel
              @JonSnow -

              Voat's not too great because of the fact that it got attention from the /r/FatPeopleHate banning and not from the Chooting, so the attention (and therefore current demographic) over there isn't what it needs. Also it's too similar to reddit right now, Snapzu does enough differently to where I think it's worthwhile (personally)

            • Arbituz
              @JonSnow -

              Exactly. In all of the Reddit is doomed threads being posted over there, you have to go kind of far down to see the first mention of Snapzu. Hopefully it gains momentum.

            • DunkEgg
              @JonSnow -

              Lack of invites

      • Zomb

        You can always start up one that you might miss.
        I started /t/suicidewatch due to the fact that it helped me when I had some rough times and I often went there to help others.

      • Triseult

        Same for me. I think I'll make Snapzu my home, and just subscribe to a few small subs back on reddit.

        For me, the gems of reddit are the local subreddits... I travel a lot and end up staying in places for months at a time, and some of the nicer people I've met on the Internet were on country-specific of city-specific subs. I guess Snapzu doesn't have the critical mass for these just yet, but I'm willing to stick with a very specific list of subreddits until that happens.

    • JonSnow

      Me too. It fuckin' does. It sure looks like they put a lot of work in the design.

      Btw, are comments not voteable?

      • AinBaya

        They are. I just voted on yours. Are you on mobile?

        • JonSnow

          Nope, not on mobile. I just didn't realize you have to scroll over the comment to see the up/down arrows.

          • PrismDragon

            Ugh, probably a mobile UI issue. Once the developers can get the servers back to optimal, I think they should focus on fixing a mobile app.

            • Pixel

              I'm kinda sad I'm starting to leave reddit because Reddit Sync was one of the best apps I've ever had the pleasure of using and I don't think that the dev is too intent on bringing it over here :/

    • Xeno

      I agree, though controversial, I always wished that Reddit was just ever so slightly prettier.

      • cheezoncrack

        Pretty much why I said no to voat, along with the fact that its a complete clone of reddit and is probably gonna go down the same road. Get the vibe people going there didn't bother to look at other sites.

        • QuietKerfuffle

          I was eager for a site that evolved from Reddit. I certainly don't want a straight clone.

        • Rothulfossil (edited 8 years ago)

          I think Voat was made with complete, uncensored speech in mind, making it a haven for the more controversial subreddits that have been banned. I'd be perfectly fine with that sort of thing staying over there, while Snapzu keeps to a cleaner, friendlier community. In fact, that's my one non-negotiable for whether I stick around here. If hatred becomes the norm here, I'll have to find somewhere else again.

          I have a good feeling about Snapzu, though. I'm not too worried.

      • geckofish

        100% with ya buddy. It was always a disappointing going to a nicley themed subreddit, like /r/Android then coming back to the main page. Snapzu is soooo pretty.

    • respekknuckles

      It's what reddit should look like! I'm seriously impressed by the aesthetics alone.

    • FapFlop

      It does, but it takes two clicks and two page loads to look at an image.

      Where's my RES? :(

    • kraftykitty

      I know, right? I was in the 6 year club over on Reddit, but I feel like Julie Andrews in The Sound of Music right now, frolicking through Snapzu fields.

    • vulpixwithdix

      Oh, I'm right there with you, buddy. The only issue I have is not being able to view content directly from the frontpage. 2 clicks is annoying, but I can live with it if it means it's not reddit.