- 9 years ago Sticky: Welcome
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Designing a hiring practice for autistic IT staff
The neurodiversity movement is gaining momentum, as corporate sponsorship builds on lessons learned from hiring people on the spectrum.
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Man shamed online for 'harassing young Asian women' on a Melbourne tram is revealed to have autism - as other passengers say he 'just likes getting...
HuffPo calls it TMB...nobody expects these women to just recognize his circumstance but if they felt endangered, they'd call for help or tell him to quit it. They presumably waited until their time to disembark to post that.
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Asperger's Syndrome Autism and Trolling - BeWytch Me
i do troll but i also used to misinfer stuff. Not all Aspies troll & this hits a necessary note to handling people without the spazzing of the contemporary world as some might have more going on personally than others are themselves fathoming. No excuse here to mock death - WSWS's try to just hurts everybody but jail? Overreach no less even intentional
+17 +1
DEEJ Trailer
A nonspeaking young man dreams of autistic civil rights. The documentary film DEEJ with its insider view of autism, challenges us all to live inclusion.
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New AI programme to detect depression using Instagram
A new AI programme has been developed to attempt to accurately detect signs of depression using Instagram photos, informs wired.co.uk. The study, carried out by researchers from Harvard University and the University of Vermont, used machine...
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The Association Between Major Mental Disorders and Geniuses | Psychiatric Times
Genius and madness: does one phenomenon cause the other—or do both share a common underlying factor or mechanism? How are geniuses able to accomplish “creative fits”? The author explores both questions.
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Tinnitus and hyperacusis in autism spectrum disorders with emphasis on high functioning individuals diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome. - PubMed -...
Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2015 Oct;79(10):1683-8. doi: 10.1016/j.ijporl.2015.07.024. Epub 2015 Jul 26.
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A look at Aspergers Syndrome and Anxiety - Aspergers Test Site
Anxiety poses one of the core challenges for people with Asperger’s Syndrome and other types of autism. There is a great deal of anxiety already inherent in the condition itself, which is then further intensified by social pressure and hypersensitivity to outside stimuli, another common symptom of autism. According to...
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Life with Aspergers: Are Aspies Capable of Love?
hugging either you love from an early age or hate but not over the point of love for the latter. More 50/50. Over time it's selection
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Catastrophizing Sucks
Catastrophizing is one of those autistic traits that when I first read about it, I thought, “Oh, I never do that.” How wrong I was. I catastrophize daily. It’s usually small stuff…
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The Love of Animals and Asperger’s Syndrome
My daughter (now 21) has always been obsessed with animals and has never known a time in her life when she hasn’t had pets. She, together with her two brothers, grew up with two Labrador dog…
+31 +2
What Does it Mean to ‘Look Autistic?’
A writer’s reflections on the pain of “passing” for neurotypical. By M.Nicole.R.Wildhood.
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Specialisterne: from Hope, to Action, to Impact.
An Aspie work-training program.
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Putin is not autistic - Putin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov -- Sott.net
Although, Aspergers' is not autism, per se.
How-to+1 +1
Anxiety Support Group
You'll need a facebook account, but this group works wonders with anxiety - a common symptom of Aspergers' Syndrome. You can get anything off your chest and without judgement. The group also has guides on how to relax during a panic attack or related such event. :)
+19 +2
The Big Open-Ended Question
On Loving and Accepting My Asperger’s. By Magenta Ranero.
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Asperger's and childish behavior
I am very new to this whole thing and we are just starting to understand, but I have wondered about this for a while, I have a 16 year old daughter...
Unspecified+2 +2
I have Aspergers'
I was diagnosed with Aspergers' Syndrome (Highly- functioning ASD or Autistic Spectrum Disorder) when I was five years of age. I was also, around the same time, diagnosed with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). I want to share my story.
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Early Indicators: High Functioning Autism and Aspergers Syndrome
Children with high functioning autism or Aspergers Syndrome are often misdiagnosed and underserved in our country
Unspecified+2 +2
Asperger's Syndrome and Making Friends in College | AspieSaurus
Friendship help!