
What is your favorite sports team?

It can be any sport.

Mine is the Toronto Blue Jays of the MLB.

8 years ago by aj0690 with 8 comments

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  • LacquerCritic

    Originally it was Liverpool - I'm pretty new to football, but I edited an erotica novel that was all about Liverpool and Manchester United and in doing so had to do extensive research to make sure the details in the novel were accurate. In the process I sort of fell in love with Liverpool (though the roster and management have changed so much since that novel!).

    Now that I've been getting into football however, my dad finally has someone to talk to about it and he supports Norwich. I'm rooting for them a lot because it'd mean a lot to my dad to see them stay in the Premier League for at least one more year.

  • Dernhelm

    I am a major Cleveland Browns Fan. Man, I know they have sucked for the longest time but I just love watching them. I moved away from my home town and maybe it feels like I am still connected to the place by watching them play.

    For Gods sake though I wish they would win.

  • drank

    Patriots (NFL)! Lots of ups and downs but I never get off the wagon.

  • canuck

    Leafs, and yes were almost at .500!

  • FivesandSevens

    New York Giants (NFL) and New York Mets (baseball). Can't pick just one.

    Never had a choice really. My dad raised me in a long family tradition. His whole family is from NYC and were rabid NY Giants (baseball and football) fans going back to the early 1900s (baseball Giants) and the 1920s or '30s (football Giants). When the baseball Giants left for San Francisco in '57, I'm told they kinda just rooted against the Yankees until the Mets came along in '62.

    Both teams helped a lot by winning championships in '86, when I was just old enough to play and appreciate the ins and outs of the two sports. It was weird growing up a NY sports fan in Ohio but I took the family tradition thing very seriously. I did try to rebel against all sports in my teenage anti-establishment phase, but found myself secretly watching games (as if anyone cared) anyway, so I accepted my fate.

    Both sports have numerous big flaws and I usually agree with people who criticize the outsized role of sports in U.S. society/culture, but I can't seem to break the family tradition - my kids are now fans too.

  • awl27

    Everton (Football/soccer)