How do you browse Snapzu?
Do you go to the main Snapzu page, and browse from there?
Do you use the feed that's tailored to you?
Do you sort by Trending / Newest? Do you filter posts by category?
9 years ago by SuperCyan
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I check and post in my tribe, scan down my feed and investigate snaps or comments that appeal, check my notifications and follow them up, ponce about in here for a while, check out any people who post interesting comments, naff off elsewhere, come back, rinse and repeat.
Personally, I use the main Snapzu feed (Press the S on the top left) and sort by newest.
I like it, because I get to see everything that gets posted here - and rarely miss out on threads. I only use the catch-all feeds on smaller sites, because on places like Reddit, they get filled with things I really don't care about. I never use my home feed, because I don't like how it shows comments as posts (I've since removed that feature), and I prefer the formatting of the all page better. The large YT thumbnails and large descriptions just turn me off.
When I first log in, I go to the grid 'magazine' view first and scan through it.
Then I check to see if anyone has responded to any of my comments.
Then if I have time (I'm usually just taking a quick break at work when I'm browsing snapzu), I press the home button and see what the people I'm following have commented on/posted.