  • septimine

    The downsides

    1. It's literally a tracking device for anyone who knows your phone. There's an article that talks about women in abusive situations, and the phone makes it easy for their abusers to track them wherever they go. Most shelters take them away for just that reason. Apps like find my phone are great so long as you have no one to hide from. Given the ability of law enforcement, it's even better for them than a gps monitor. Seriously, had you told someone in 1960 that Americans would pay to carry a device that would track them no matter where they went or what they were doing, they'd think we were crazy.

    2. It contains everything about you, making things like identity theft easy. If I have your phone, I have your family's names, I have pictures of everything you value, I have your Facebook, Twitter, etc. I also have your credit card. I have everything I need to steal your credit, drain your bank accounts (especially if you're nice enough to download the helpful app from the bank).

    3. It puts you always in contact with everyone. I grew up in the 80s and 90s, and you weren't expected to be available all the time. If you went out to dinner with your boyfriend, your family, friends, boss, and so on just had to wait their turn. If you wanted some VHS and chill time, you turned off the ringer on your land line, and you had the whole night to yourselves. It gave you downtime away from work where you weren't asked to answer work problems at home, once you left, you could be unreadable. It ,means social time is just that. One on one, not one vs everyone else no constant interruptions from other people demanding part of your time.