  • Cobbydaler

    Do we want it to be that much bigger at the expense of bringing in trolls?

    • [Deleted Profile]

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    • Urbanknight4

      Consider the following: In the zombie apocalypse, you have a choice. You can go rural or urban. Rural areas have less zombies (less population), but because of that low population they have less tools, supplies, weapons, and survivors. Urban areas are full of guns, ammo, gas and cars, stores to loot, and a bunch of other goodies. Their downside is that you have blocks upon blocks of zeds to take out to reach said goodies.

      I think either we compromise and open the floodgates, or we content ourselves with a snail pace. I'm gonna speak from experience because I used to have a forum- the snail pace is toxic in an internet community. Nobody is patient or loyal anymore, and if there is no reason to stick around they'll simply leave. My forum died, and just like Reddit lost us to Snapzu, Snapzu can lose others to another site without invites or with more content or what have you.

      • ClassyCritic

        I like the comparison, but I feel like the small community of Snapzu helps make it what it is. If you want more users and trolls, Reddit seems to be the place to go. I would love more users at Snapzu, but not at the expense of ruining the community.

      • frohawk

        Okay, I'm going to build on our analogy of the zombie apocalypse.

        Yeah, the urban is the ideal place for pre-made resources lying around. But if we're already rural, we aren't used to the burden of urban living turned bad (regular zombie horde to fend off). What makes rural living advantageous for us is that it relies more on sustainable living, which rural people are already accustomed to pre-apocalypse!

        With rural people, you best bet is the occasional trek out to the urban area to scout for the occasional resource we can't get here (the snaps!) and just let the community grow its own resources off of that (discussions).

        Yes, if we were aiming to be the next Facebook, we should aim to get big, fast. But I don't think we are, and it's probably fine to be on the small side for now.

        • Urbanknight4

          In that case, we need more unity and ways to let members know about the smaller and more out of the way tribes so the community can grow as a whole.

          • SevenTales

            This I feel is one of the flaws. The Tribes Index shows not all the Tribes, but the most popular ones, making discovery a little bit strange.

    • Gozzin

      Do we want it to be that much bigger at the expense of bringing in trolls?

      I don't. For me,this is just a bit too big..But it will grow. I'm just as happy if it grows slow.