  • BlankWindow

    I was Volunteered to do it with the Squadron Command along with a few hundred others. While difficult to carry a full ruck with a few days of supplies/sleeping equipment and an M249, it was worth it; I got a belt buckle. I think, of those that finished, took as long as 15 hours. The fastest was 7 and my group was 9 hours.

    • xg549

      So it was purely for honor? Sounds rough. You really do think it was worth?

    • BlankWindow (edited 8 years ago)
      @xg549 -

      Yep, there is great satisfaction in overcoming any hardship. Even the self imposed. Also, it's one of those things that randomly come up in conversation. Story ends with me and 2 friends staying up and floating a keg over the next 48 hours. It was good times. I still cycle quite a bit these days, so I'm active, but I live a different life. The stories are good to have.