  • smokedhuman

    can you please, for the love of jeebus, make binary subnetting conversions make sense?!? It seems everyone that teaches this has their own system, but when they try to teach it, it never makes sense!

  • caelreth
    @smokedhuman -

    You mean using the subnet mask and IP address to find the network number and host number?

  • smokedhuman
    @caelreth -

    not quite... more of converting and a way to convert subnet mask to binary i.e. to 1111.1111.1111.1111.

  • caelreth
    @smokedhuman -

    Ah. Well, there are a couple of methods, but not sure how many of them I can articulate in a comment. I'll see what I can come up with.

  • smokedhuman
    @caelreth -

    ha! thanks! and I have gathered that there are many methods and I FULLY appreciate that a comment is most definitely not the place to explain and/or explain. I will happily and thankfully accept any links that helped you in the past.

  • caelreth
    @smokedhuman -

    Well, the thing that helped me the most is just having to do a lot of binary to decimal conversions in my life, so it became pretty quick to do in my head - not that that helps you much. But I will think on it and see if I can come up with something more helpful than that.

    • smokedhuman
      @caelreth -

      I used to brute force it way back when I first learned and used it over a decade ago. Now I am more ops/data center infrastructure dealing with server hardware and rely on online calculators. I need to sit for the CCNA at some point and I think this is going to be my biggest hurdle.