  • Qukatt

    City of heroes (Europe). The community mods were awesome, the people were awesome(not without issues though). Meets were so much fun. They worked with Andrew Wildman's charity"draw the world together" to raise money by getting big comic book names to sketch peoples characters at the both at cons and expos (I got two done <3)

    I even followed the mod"rockjaw" to swtor when he got a job with bioware he was such a great guy. Obviously that didn't pan out for anyone involved (lol)

    But yeah. Meet my husband through city of heroes, meet so many long term friends in game and at meets.i keep in touch with more of them than school friends even though the game was shut down years ago :(.

    I even got to talk to the head guy a few times when I started running player meets and they gave me a free statue to keep which was neat. He sits pride of place on my hi-fi ay the minute. I miss the game and the people loads.