  • RoMS

    I was for a long time a die-hard RPG gamer. The trick though was that even if I did PnP (as in Pen&Paper as I played in a club with friends) I did a lot of RPG through forum. It helped me improve my grammar, synthax and overall writing quality (in my native language however aka French). All in all I played for 5 years on 10+ RP forum. I was an admin once too: on a hard sci-fi forum called Hegemony.

    I am still a brony though. I watch ponies in my closet.

    • Qukatt

      I used to rp on neopets forums before I was old enough to discover and join a proper tabletop gaming club. Great times! :D

      • RoMS

        I've never laughed as much as when I was doing those goddamn RP marathon every fortnight.