  • Hibou

    There have been many notable ones, but I'll touch one two particular times.

    This event probably spearheaded my distinct ability to remember dreams so well - be they good or bad. I (like many children) watched Stephen King's IT when I was rather young, and soon became TERRIFIED of Pennywise to the point I would have a nightmare every single night for something close to two or three years. Now, you can only dream about a killer clown monster so much before the mind starts doing RIDICULOUS events; when Pennywise decided to brain wash/brain control my grandmother and shave her head... Well, I was brought into the world of lucid dreaming. Any time I hear or see anything related to Stephen King's IT in a dream, I begin lucid dreaming.

    Many years later I'm making a huge life decision that will negatively impact some family members. The stress was weight down on me quite a bit, and due to that, well... I started having the most gruesome nightmares I've ever experienced, in a chain of linking events. It lasted the course of a week and contained a variety of scenarios that didn't all place my personal self as the main aspect of the dream. Often I was someone else, but it didn't... register. Mutilation, being chased, hanging body pieces, blood (lots of blood), various types of killers, shadowy creatures that can infect to kill, and otherwise destroy things, people begging for their lives/screaming, watching people drop from high points... It was a pretty terrible week.

    I don't typically get stressed to that point anymore, thankfully.