  • casuallynoted (edited 9 years ago)

    Not one nightmare in particular, but from when I was four until about when I was age ten, I'd get nightmares just about every night (with a few random exceptions, mostly when I didn't sleep more than a few hours), and in them the same person would torture and kill me in brutal, sick ways I didn't even really know existed yet. Oftentimes I could feel them extremely vividly. I didn't watch a lot of horror movies as a kid, and have a few other weird stories in relation to those dreams, but I tend to not think about them a ton. After they stopped, I never had one again, if anything I could easily say I haven't had a legit nightmare like that ever again. Either just stupid dreams or nothing at all.

    • massani

      That is absolutely horrific. Thank god you don't experience those anymore.

      • casuallynoted

        I feel the same way. I got into lucid dreaming two years ago just in case, when I was younger I would force myself to stay awake just so that I wouldn't dream.