
What are some common mistakes that parents make without realizing them?

8 years ago by aj0690 with 6 comments

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  • Bastou (edited 8 years ago)

    Over-protect them from the littlest of scratches and the smallest of discomforts. Then they get to adulthood and they are whiny little brats.

  • smithcmau

    Taking them to quiet events. I get it. Everyone needs to get out once in a while. Get a babysitter when you go to the ballet. If you want to go to an R rated movie, leave them with a trusted friend. Ruining numerous folks experience because you need a break just means you are selfish.

  • SuperCyan

    I'm in the generation that's about to hit adulthood, and the level of spoiling that some of my peers have experienced is going to make hitting reality hurt quite a bit.

    There's a lot of kids that don't know how to do anything, because it was always taken care of by someone else. Hell, there's seniors that still have their parents do their laundry, and legitimately don't know how to do it themselves. They also can't budget, and consistently end up with no allowance, or pay check, left at the end of the day they get it.

    They don't rely on their parent's safety net, they use it as a fucking hammock to relax and play games on their $1500 Macbook in.

  • ckshenn

    Spoil their kids and not make them earn anything.