  • IridescentOak

    Magic as in things that can't happen, according to the rules of how things work, would happen. For example, if a tree suddenly started holding a conversation with you, or if the book on your shelf began floating away out the window. It's interesting that you bring up prayers, however, because though I don't think that prayers in and of themselves constitute magic, I would say that divine happenings could be considered magic. Like, I'm personally agnostic, but if God (or the gods, or angels, etc.) exists, then He's definitely magic. A religious person would probably say, "That's not magic, it's the Lord's power!" but to me, the two are practically the same thing, and are just called something different.

    Don't get me wrong, though, I don't really expect to go outside and discuss philosophy with a pine tree, but I'm totally not saying that it could never, ever happen. I'm open to anything and everything occurring, no matter how unlikely it seems! (...This is where I insert the "Yes, I know this seems weird" disclaimer, haha.)

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