  • PocoBananas

    Hypnotism started it off but it was about an 8 year process after that to quit completely. After the initial quitting period (about 6 months) it became a problem only in drunken social/major life crises. After a few years I started exercising and specifically running, I found I didn't want them anymore at all.

    You don't really appreciate what it has been doing to your body until you haven't been smoking for a few months. You will get a crazy amount of energy and your mind will be absolutely racing. I personally found that I could all of a sudden drink an infinite amount of beers without passing out (not always a great ability). The trick is to do something with that energy. Move around more, get outside, start practicing handstands, ANYTHING. This will really help with the cravings.

    One major mindset that helped while I was still smoking socially but not constantly was accepting that I still wanted them occasionally and not beating myself up after caving in. It is going to happen. Making yourself feel like shit about it afterwards is not constructive. Accept that it happened, that it may happen again and start all over again. Allowing yourself that freedom does wonders.

    Good luck!

    • imokruok

      Refreshing honesty. THank you.