  • skolor

    I'm actually surprised how little "cooking for yourself" is mentioned in this discussion. By far the best thing you can do is cooking more for yourself. Going from a $10 takeout to a $5 cooked meal on weeknights saves you over $1000/year.

    It really is a matter of changing habits, since it's all together way too easy to get in the habit of not cooking (or "cooking" a pre-prepared meal), and once you're in that habit it's hard to break. The best thing I've found is to just find a couple of dead simple meals to cook in <15 minutes and always stock the ingredients. The cheaper the meal is, the better, so salads and noodle dishes shine here, and are usually quick and easy to make.

    • Zorgon

      Eating out is what kills my paychecks the fastest, so I always try and keep good healthy food around. Is there a tribe yet for cheap and healthy eating? That would be a solid addition