  • sixstorm

    I've been doing the same thing . . . well kinda. I have a rule to where I don't buy a game until it drops to ~$10, maybe even $15 if I'm super psyched about it. Even at this point, the game will have all DLCs attached to it, most bugs fixed, mods galore, etc. It's the best way to enjoy a game IMO. Most games that come out these days aren't worth anywhere close to $60.

    I'm shocked that no one has made a Patient Gamers tribe yet. I came real close last weekend to creating it . . . and now I think I just might do it.

    • Ryvaeus

      I just joined /t/patientgamers, did you create it?

      • sixstorm

        Actually I didn't get a chance to. A meeting came up and didn't get back on the computer for a few hours. Someone beat me to it!