  • stitches

    I stopped drinking alcohol. Not for everyone, but the best decision I've ever made for me. I used to easily spend £70 on a night out after drinks + taxis + dirt burger on the way home. I can do a good night out on a tenner now.

    • ecstasybread

      Wow £70 on a night out is impressive. I probably do save close to that by not drinking though (between nights out, casual pub trips, home beers, expensive bottles of whisky, etc. etc.).

      I also save money by not getting taxis, and rarely getting public transport either. Now that I don't really drink I can cycle home from the pub, and I cycle everywhere else I need to be also. Again, perhaps not for everyone just yet, but we should be working to make it so!

      • stitches

        Used to spend it whether or not I had it and end up eating beans on toast for the rest of the month til pay day. Drunk me wants to drink all of the booze. I have no control when it comes to alcohol, one of the factors in making the decision to give it up for good.

        If only I could ride a bike, it would make for even more savings....alas I never learnt. Good on you though, savings in your pocket and for the environment :)

        • ecstasybread (edited 8 years ago)

          Fair enough. A good decision all around then!

          ... eating beans on toast for the rest of the month til pay day

          That's another money saving tip right there that is.