  • microfracture

    I started drinking more water instead of soda and I also stopped eating out as much as I was.
    Not only does it help save some money, but it also helps me lose a couple pounds as well so it's a win win situation.

    • zaywolfe (edited 8 years ago)

      I was going to mention soda as well, but I'll just add that there's another benefit to quitting soda. Soda is a major cause of tooth decay, because of it's acidity. Not in a small way too. Some are nearly as damaging as battery acid. I've since started drinking earl grey tea, with some cream I think it's better than soda.

      Here's a source on that tooth decay thing if anyone is curious.

      Here's a comparison chart for your benefit

    • NstealthL

      Been doing this for a long time now. The only problem is when you end up in Europe and restaurants often make you pay for water...I can understand needing to make a profit but if I'm content with just plain tap water, please give me that.

      On that same note: cutting back the amount of chips/junk food (not eating an entire bag in one sitting...). Finding snacks that are more filling and cheaper per lbs/kg is also a good way to save some cash. And healthier to boot if you find the right things! A small bowl of roasted broccoli and cauliflower with some shredded parmesan...absolutely delicious snack and not nearly as bad as eating an entire bag of cheetohs.

    • Goronmon

      Going out to eat has been the biggest offender for ruining budgeting attempts in the past. It's amazing how fast you can spend $1000 in a single month just on restaurants/fast food/coffee alone.