  • remez

    Don't see your opponent as an opponent, an adversary. Try to find a context where both of you are on the same side and are working towards the same goal: finding the truth, reaching a mutually beneficial solution or forging an understanding. It doesn't work 100% of time, but it's surprisingly beneficial.

    • shadow1515

      This is useful even if they do turn out to truly be an adversary, because once you've spent the mental energy to try to empathize with them you can more easily understand their motivations and tactics so even if it has to turn into a conflict (be it verbal, physical, whatever) you stand a much better chance of coming out on top.

      • remez

        Very true. You can also decide that you do not need to come out on top this time (and letting go of victory is much easier when you're confident you can win). As soon as it stops being you vs. them, and starts being just a situation, there are much more ways to handle it.